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38 192 CFA
Mopostpartum body wrap
6 moisGrand Marché de Lomé, Lomé, TogoVêtements Femme
Détails du produit
The mopostpartum body wrap recovers your body shape and smoothens the appearance of the lower abdomen after childbirth. it can be worn where childbirth is via caesarean section (cs) after 7 days it offers double support in the abdominal area by encouraging the internal organs to reposition themselves into their proper position after childbirth it compresses the uterus thereby encourage easier expulsion of clots and water in the body. it helps prevent hemorrhages and provides proper support so you can be fully mobile in caring for the baby it helps to relieve abdominal and back pain, as it lifts up and compresses the stomach
38 192 CFA
Mopostpartum body wrap
6 moisGrand Marché de Lomé, Lomé, TogoVêtements Femme
Détails du produit
The mopostpartum body wrap recovers your body shape and smoothens the appearance of the lower abdomen after childbirth. it can be worn where childbirth is via caesarean section (cs) after 7 days it offers double support in the abdominal area by encouraging the internal organs to reposition themselves into their proper position after childbirth it compresses the uterus thereby encourage easier expulsion of clots and water in the body. it helps prevent hemorrhages and provides proper support so you can be fully mobile in caring for the baby it helps to relieve abdominal and back pain, as it lifts up and compresses the stomach
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