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Détails du produit
Aircraft g550 in ft. lauderdale, florida attached is updated spec sheet on the 2012 g550 located in ft. lauderdale, florida at the executive airport fxe/kfxe. the aircraft is enrolled on rrcc and apu is on jssi and is up to date on maintenance and flying. the asking price is $22,450,000 open to an offer. this plane has no known damage history. the aircraft has a two owner history with the current owner having purchased the plane september 2018. do not hesitate to call or email me for more details and or any questions. price: $22.450.000
Détails du produit
Aircraft g550 in ft. lauderdale, florida attached is updated spec sheet on the 2012 g550 located in ft. lauderdale, florida at the executive airport fxe/kfxe. the aircraft is enrolled on rrcc and apu is on jssi and is up to date on maintenance and flying. the asking price is $22,450,000 open to an offer. this plane has no known damage history. the aircraft has a two owner history with the current owner having purchased the plane september 2018. do not hesitate to call or email me for more details and or any questions. price: $22.450.000
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